guys! i'm back.,,with those jonas fever.,,
haha<3.,, its been so long.,,i didnt post recent news bout me.,,
u know what.,,i'm getting a lil' bit lazy rite now.,,
okay guys.,,let me tell u some thing that happens to me recently.,,
u know what.,,
for all this while.,,since i've got offer from jpa.,,i've been waitin' for their letter.,,
but *sigh* i wait and wait and wait.,,
until 13th june i didnt receive it yet.,,
i got on my nerves that time.,,
everything that's negative played in my mind.,
cant imagine it.,,
one of the most bad thought is i'm afraid that i had click on the 'tolak tawaran' button!!! ~nitemares~
haha.,,i serve it becoz of my impatience.,,
and also becoz of my friend;ain, had receive it on friday.,,
that's why i'm getting worry soo00 muchx.,,
and on 14th june.,,i heard from my another two fellows who got JPA's that they also have got the letter.,,
but me.,i didnt get it yet!!!
i said to myself "oh no~~~ that wasnt cool!!!why i still didnt get it??"
my smile turned upside down.,
only those who in the same boat with me know how is it feel.,,
to loose my tense on it.,, 
i do some prayers.,
i wish from ALLAH that all my thoughts was not true.,,
and after that i get on my nokia5800.,
and tuned the song 'a lil bit longer' by jonas brothers.,,
out of blue, my mom shouted my name.,,
oh~~ its the 'pos laju' !!!
wow~ cool~
and right on 3pm.,,i got the letter!!!
what a big relieved guys!!!
its a long3 wait!! haha
the moral of the story is Dont be so impatience.,,as patience is one of the iman!!! (^_^) 
~chill, guys!~ haha


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