My Kind of Holiday

As time goes by, it's hard for me to get a plenty of free time or to be exact me-time. I miss those times where I can enjoy a cup of latte in front of my room's window and look upon the morning sun. The warmth of the sunshine put me at ease internal and externally. So, right now I could say that I am desperately finding some free time for me to pamper myself and relax. Whenever I have one. I will make sure I am having these five things with me :)

1. Have a cup of hot white coffee
I love coffee especially those coffee with creamer. Coffee makes me feels like a princess sometimes. Haha. What am I saying. But seriously, this is the first thing that I won't let slide from my holiday routine. Drink them while enjoying the sunshine is the best.

2. Put on my favourite Spotify playlist.
Well I won't enjoy my coffee without music. Music, coffee and books are like peanut butter and jelly. They can't be enjoyed separated. For me, they come in packages. And my favourite music apps is Spotify for sure. It has such a big music library. I really really really love the coffeehouse playlist. Seriously. It'd filled with good songs. Well. I have unique taste of music. I like more calming and soothing music. More like Indie songs which not mainstream. But I do enjoy mainstream music sometimes. That's why I use spotify. So I could open any of the songs based on my mood at that time.

3. Books
Any good books or motivational article that I saved from the whole week. Hehe. So I choose to read during this hours. Spend time to explore another world. Reading books is a must for me. That's the only short escape from my hectic life.

4. Put extra effort in skincare
Besides pampering my tastebuds and eardrums, I will make time fro my skin for sure. Put on mask, wear 2-3 essences, burn scented candles and scrubs are things that consume a lot of time. So yeah I will only do them while I have a lot of free time which is on my holiday.

5. Clean up my room
Yes. I only clean up my room thoroughly during holiday. I do clean up my room daily but not as thorough as when I am in my free time. Do extra clean up on the floor, arrange my clothes according to colour, categorized books according to their height and genres. Gosh- I love to do this. I feel more relieved when I see my room is clean when I am in my hectic schedule.

Those are the 5 things that I must do when I have my holiday or free time. Of course I do a lot more things like eating homemade food, have a walk, picture haunting but those 5 are the things that I usually do and waiting for when I have free times. And yeah I admit it I spend my free time at home. Because I spend waaayyy tooo much time outside so stay at home during freetime is the best kind of free time spending for me.
Thank you for reading ;)


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